liwwa Redesign

Redesigning a peer to peer lending platform to attract a younger audience.


The Challenge

How might we support Millenials with no financial knowledge invest in loans?

Before working together, liwwa mainly attracted financially literate, middle aged, male investors to their platform. liwwa wanted to attract Millenials with little investing knowledge without ostracizing their current customers.

The Outcome

We redesigned liwwa to keep the experience familiar for current customers but also make it much simpler and more attractive to a younger, financially illiterate audience.


Sandra Sarkissian (UI)
Lugein Al Fayez (Copywriter)


UX strategy
UX research
UX design
Responsive wireframes
Usability tests
UI support

The old Liwwa website was clinical and geared towards finance professionals.

How do you help a fintech attract financially illiterate Millenials without ostracizing their middle aged, male dominant customers?

A dashboard with all the relevant information that an investor would need.

Investment cards that are more intuitive
to navigate.

An Auto-Invest feature that’s geared towards beginners and experts alike.

By adding new, useful features.

And finally, by making the website more
informative and human.

The [old] website is devoid of emotion. I don’t feel remotely attached to it.

-One of the interviewed Millenials

Highlights of the old website.
Go to Research process
Step 1

Interviews and exercises to better understand user needs.

We held a focus group with three non-investors that fit the “investment illiterate Millenial” criteria. I then interviewed a further 3 individually.

I also engaged with 2 current users of the platform.

Major Insights

Current investors love the platform so we had to be wary not to overhaul it completely.

Non-investors found the website difficult to relate to and difficult to navigate.

Most non-investors would prefer to Auto-Invest instead of select loans themselves.

Asking liwwa investors to rank loan card information
Step 2

Delving deeper into how future investors would like to engage with the platform.

We selected 4 non-investors to run tree tests and card sorting exercises to better understand how they viewed an investment platform working for them.

Participants were asked to create an “overview” section and the results were quite similar.

Step 3

Wireframing and testing different alterations.

Based on all of the insights from the former research exercises, I designed wireframes based on several assumptions (a few highlighted below) and tested them with both current liwwa investors and non-investors alike to gauge how to best design for both.

Wireframe usability tests
Spotlight Focus

Hand holding for beginners - opt out for experts.

Based on our research, we realised many beginners are very intimidated by investing. To reduce this fear, we had to hold their hand throughout but offer experts a way to avoid these options if they didn’t want to engage with them.

A ‘Learn’ section for beginners to learn about anything investing related.
A tour allows any investor to learn
about the platform.
A tour allows any investor to learn
about the platform.
When it comes to money, investors want more transparency and personal language out of a platform like liwwa.
Go to final outcome